Steroid to Heaven
My younger son, who is not yet fourteen, is a walking encyclopedia of baseball knowledge. He idly watches Youtube videos of playoff games, World Series games, landmark games, championship games- you name it -into the wee hours of the night when he should be sleeping. During the baseball season he wears the rest of us out watching the MLB channel and will give up a steak dinner at Outback and a stop at Caravel Ice Cream if it means he'll miss the first three innings of a Rangers game. Just for fun one day I asked him who won game three of the 1986 American League Championship Series, and he not only told me who won the game (I couldn't have even told you which two teams were in the series if you'd put a machete to my throat), he told me the starting pitchers, the game situation when the winning hit was struck, who made the hit, and where the ball was hit. Impressed but thinking he had just gotten lucky, I tried him again. Game four of the 1970 World Se...