Have a Good One!

Okay, let me start by saying that it’s not your fault. You didn’t start the trend. You were an innocent by-hearer. You heard the word or phrase, it seemed to fit the occasion or the moment; it was easy and convenient to use; you didn’t have to think about it or say anything else; and best of all, it was understood and accepted by those around you. You simply did what most people do: you went along with what was popular, you followed the crowd. Maybe— just maybe —you didn’t know any better. I’m talking about common but incredibly annoying words and phrases everyone seems to use. Not to be confused with cringe-worthy clichés and vapid platitudes which, as soon as you hear them, send you scurrying for intellectual cover, these infuriating words and phrases are not in and of themselves offensive or even bothersome. It has more to do with the way they are used by their unaware, and too often, blatantly ignorant user. If you are a frequent user of any ...