Remembering You

First published October 22, 2012 Please let my whole life pass always remembering you. May my breath come to an end always remembering you. May nothing stand in the way, May nothing stand in the way To reach my true home again. Lyrics from a beautiful new song by John Adorney. Our twelve-year-old was looking over my shoulder last night as I sat at my roll top desk clicking away at the keyboard, touching up a piece of writing that has been on my mind for the last week or so, and said, quite innocently, "Watcha doin', Pops?" He calls me Pops because I told him once that that's what I want my grandkids to call me when the day comes. I had a picture in my mind of this crazy old coot propped up in the corner of the living room, drooling, smiling vacantly, his head bobbing slowly, and the rest of the family talking about him as if he wasn't there. You know: "So, what do we do with Pops? He can't stay here!" And me, looking for all the world like an addle...