Useless Unicorn

“Trust the wait Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible” A friend sent this to me recently. A few days later, another came. It was a beautiful photograph of a pink and lavender sunrise layered upon the rolling ocean, reminiscent of the glorious dawns I was privileged to see when I was a boy with my father camping and fishing on the barrier islands off the coast of Virginia. Written in black scroll across the waking sky: What if I fall? Oh, but my dear, what if you fly? But I won’t fly. I never fly. Like Icarus, I yearn to fly; more times than I can count I have tried to fly. Yet, upon my memory, always the result has been disappointment and discouragement. Even when I felt I was destined- called -damn near dragged by caroling angels to the high alter to be anointed with glittering, gossamer wings, I have fallen. Fallen short. Fallen out of favor. Fallen in spirit. Still, inspired by the s...