Sails Below the Horizon

Note: This essay originally appeared under my previous blog's banner, "Pouring Music From a Cup" 2015. The sentiments remain the same, though, no matter where we are, as long as we are father and son. My man child turned 18 in November and spent his first birthday away from home. He got a visit from the parental units that weekend because there happened to be a home football game and his mama wasn’t about to let the day of her first-born’s birth go unacknowledged, if only on a minor scale. But the man child wasn’t able to come home to be properly recognized, which is where birthdays should be celebrated, until Thanksgiving. Even then he only had a couple of days of down time at home . . . just enough to kick off his boots, raid the refrigerator a few times, and monopolize the couch and TV remote before gathering his things and heading back to the Land of Higher Education. Wanting to maximize our time together, he and I spent an evening at Cavender’s western outfitter...