New Beginnings

        Marcher seul sur la route.

        It means “walking the road alone.”

        Starting back in 2011 or 2012, somewhere in there, I created my first blog site. It was called Pouring Music From a Cup and its banner photograph was the view from the top of Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas. You may remember it.

       A few years later I put a collection of my blog posts together, 42 of them, and self-published the collection in a book also called Pouring Music From a Cup. The cover of the book was created by a young artist named Summer Westover, and it looked like this:

       However, like the blog, I chose to put the book to sleep last autumn. The reasons don’t matter. The point is, the book is resting comfortably on Amazon, along with my other books, and won’t awaken again until it is kissed by a beautiful wandering princess. You can’t see or buy any of my books with the lone exception of a little horror novella I wrote called Jellybeans, Curse of the Manabees, which you can buy, but only because it’s the written version of a story I used to tell my students at Halloween when I was still dangling from the infected talons of the public education system.  Apparently, every now and then one of the kids gets curious and wants to know what all the fuss was about.

    So, for the past eight months this is pretty much how things have stood. I have purposely hibernated from any and all forms of social media, except for email.

      Recently, though, my spirit guides have whispered in my ear and said it is time to rise from the social ashes and appear once again on Facebook and here, in this forum with a new theme and a new look. Truth be told, I haven’t missed either platform very much, and I’m re-entering the fray with great reservation. Even so, I look all around me and I see that the sun is up, all the leaves are green, and there’s a warm and gentle breeze blowing.

      What a waste to stay inside.

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